International Macroeconomics

R. Caballero and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Economic Policy in Emerging-Market Economies: An Overview”, in R. Caballero and K. Schmidt-Hebbel (editors): Economic Policy in Emerging-Market Economies: Festschrift in Honor of Vittorio Corbo. Central Bank of Chile, 2015.



V. Corbo and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “The International Crisis and Latin America”, Monetaria, 1 (1): 37-62, 2012.



V. Corbo, J. Desormeaux y K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “La Gran Crisis Financiera de 2007-2009”, Estudios Públicos, 123: 7-67, 2011.



V. Corbo and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “The International Crisis and Latin America: Growth Effects and Development Strategies”, in M. Haddad and B. Shepherd (editors): Managing Openness: Trade and Outward-Oriented Growth after the Crisis, The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2011.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Macroeconomic Regimes, Policies, and Outcomes in the World”, Estudios de Economía, 37 (2): 161-88, 2010.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: book review of “This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly”, by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, Economía Chilena, 13 (2): 151-3, August 2010.



R. Bebczuk and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Revisiting the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle: An Institutional Sector View”, Económica LVI: 3-38, 2010.



I. Elbadawi, L. Kaltani, and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Foreign Aid, the Real Exchange Rate, and Growth in the Aftermath of Civil Wars”, World Bank Economic Review, 22 (1): 113-40, 2008.



R. Bebczuk and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “La Paradoja de Feldstein-Horioka: Una Nueva Visión a Nivel de Sectores Institucionales”, Ensayos Económicos 46: 103-36, 2007.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Comments on S. Edwards: ‘Monetary Unions, External Shocks and Economic Performance: A Latin American Perspective’ ”, International Economics and Economic Policy 3: 249-58, 2006.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “New Zealand’s Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in International Comparison”, in B. Buckle and A. Drew (eds.): Testing Stabilisation Policy Limits in a Small Open Economy: Proceedings from a Macroeconomic Policy Forum. Wellington, New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand and The Treasury, 2006.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “La Gran Transición de Regímenes Cambiarios y Monetarios en América Latina”, in E. Lizano and Grettel López (eds.): Régimen Cambiario en Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica: Academia de Centroamérica.



C. Calderón, R. Duncan, and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “The Role of Credibility in the Cyclical Properties of Macroeconomic Policies in Emerging Economies”, Review of World Economics, 140 (4): 613-33, 2004.



E. Hochreiter, K. Schmidt-Hebbel, and G. Winckler: “Monetary Union and Dollarization: Theory and Regional Experience”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 8 (4): 1-2, 2003.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Commentary on ‘International Currencies and Dollarization’ by AlbertoTrejos”, in D. Altig and B. Smith (eds.): Evolution and Procedures in Central Banking, Cambridge University Press, 2003.



C. Calderón and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Macroeconomic Policies and Performance in Latin America”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 22 (7): 895-923, 2003.



E. Jadresic, K. Schmidt-Hebbel, and R. Valdés: “Crisis Financieras Internacionales, Prestamista de Última Instancia y Nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional”, Cuadernos de Economía, 120: 359-391, August 2003.



L. Hernández and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: “Banking, Financial Integration, and International Crises: An Overview”, in L. Hernández and K. Schmidt-Hebbel (editors): Banking, Financial Integration, and International Crises. Central Bank of Chile, 2002.



P. McNelis and K. Schmidt-Hebbel, "Financial Liberalization and Adjustment: The Cases of Chile and New Zealand", Journal of International Money and Finance, 12 (3): 249-77, July 1993.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: "Endeudamiento Externo, Tasas de Interés y Tipo de Cambio Real: Un Marco de Análisis para Chile y Venezuela", in F.G. Morandé (ed.): Movimiento de Capitales y Crisis Financiera: Los Casos de Chile y Venezuela, ILADES/IIMC, Santiago, Chile, 1991.



P. McNelis and K. Schmidt-Hebbel: "Tipo de Cambio Real, Saldo Comercial y Ajuste Monetario en Chile (1975-1982)", in F.G. Morandé (ed.): op. cit., 1991.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel and F. Morandé: “Sovereign Debt Conversion in a Dynamic Portfolio Framework", Análisis Económico, 4:1 (51-69), 1989.



Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel: "Impactos Externos, Devaluaciones y Precios de Materias Primas", in N. Eyzaguirre and M. Valdivia (eds.): Políticas Macroeconómicas y Brecha Externa: América Latina en los Años Ochenta", ECLAC, Santiago, 1989.



K. Schmidt-Hebbel: "Terms of Trade and the Current Account under Uncertainty", Análisis Económico, 2:1 (67-89), 1987.

By Micaela Dazzarola (

Martín Carrasco (